I arrived in Reykjavik. This is my little rental car that will take me around Iceland in the next two weeks.
Maybe no other capital in the world has changed as much in the past 200 years as Reykjavik. In 1800, it still had a population of 300. Today the metropolitan area hosts 150,000 people, which is half the current population of Iceland. But still, you can find free parking in every street of the capital, which I find very visitor-friendly.

The weather is excellent here at the moment, warm and no rain.
On my first day I visited two
art galleries (the photo shows sculptures by
Ásmundur Sveinsson).

Then I had a nice walk at a place on the outskirts of the city called
Rauðhólar, where volcanic steam eruptions have created bizarre rocks.

In the evening I met with my parents who have arrived from a one-week tour around Iceland. We went swimming in the city bath Laugardalslaug, had a good fish dinner and saw the
natürlich wieder mal die Frage nach deinen Sprachkenntnissen... ;o) bin soo neidisch, will doch auch mal den ewigen Tag im Norden sehen ! Gruß Ziggy
jau... inzwischen kann ich schon etwa 10 phrasen und die zahlen von 1 bis 10...
Und gerade eben konnte ich schon mit dem satz "eg tala ekki islensku" glaenzen, d.h. ich spreche kein islaendisch! :)
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