Monday, March 25, 2013

Building a pergola

During winter, for the (hopefully) coming up summer, I got into my head the idea of building a pergola around my terrace, to create a beautiful half-open green enclosure.

I started with pencil and paper and developed the construction. About half of my terrace is covered by the rounded balcony of the flat above. I wanted to use this structure, connect to it and extend it outwards.

I got all materials from a local building centre: impregnated wood, steel anchors, screws, and wood preservative stain (Holzschutzlasur).

I learned a lot on the way (for example, proper use of words like Sparren, Pfette and Kopfband :-) and my dad helped me with his tools and experience. (Thanks again!)

Long cuts were made with a table saw (Tischkreissäge), short cuts and 45° angles with a miter saw (Gehrungssäge). For rounded cuts I used a jigsaw (Stichsäge) and for the the decorative hook-ends of the rafters also a hole saw (Lochsäge). Drilling was done partly with a bench drill (Tischbohrmaschine) and partly with a cordless drill (Akkubohrschrauber).

Because in my design some beams come together at "special" angles, I custom-made these brackets from aluminum sheets. (Sawing, filing, drilling, countersinking, bending, burring.)

The posts sit in the ground on small fundaments. I made them from plastic buckets half-filled with concrete, and set them on sand beds in the dug-out holes.

Time to mount it!
One of the corners, before I added the angle braces.

Nearly finished!

It will not get a roof, I will leave it open on top. It is supposed to be mainly a climbing aid (Rankhilfe) for the scarlet runners and hops I will plant in May.


At March 26, 2013 at 4:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Schön ist sie geworden - Deine Pergola - und so harmonisch zum Balkon darüber. Um sie als Ganzes zu fotografieren müsste man auf einen Baum beim Sielplatz klettern, bevor dieser sein Grün bekommt.
Aber nicht herunter fallen!
Gratuliere zum gelungenen Werk!
Gruß Papa

At March 26, 2013 at 4:40 PM , Blogger Martin Maurer said...

Danke Papa!


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