Geysers, Gullfoss, Gigantic cars

The first picture is Strokkur, the brother of Geysir 50 metres next to it that gave its name to all such erupting hot water fountains in the world. Strokkur erupts every couple of minutes and so is perfect for touristic purposes. Everybody gets a chance to get their cameras ready to photograph or film the next time that Mother Nature belches.
Geysir was already Iceands number one touristic target in the 19th century, although back then the numbers of tourists per year could probably be counted on two hands. Konrad Maurer was one of them, he visited this place on 28 June 1858.

What shall I say. If you can somehow manage to ignore the hundreds of Germans, Austrians, Frenchmen, Americans that are carried in busloads to Geysir and Gullfoss in July, it is an awesome, beautiful, amazing waterfall that would be a pity not to see while you are here. My personal tip for individual travellers is to turn right on an asphalt road near the fall, a turnoff that is not signposted in any way. This will take you to the original lower parking lot that is closer to the fall and has more empty space.

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