I can't help it but I must post again about a small cafe. It is in the town
Höfn right by the harbour. Hafnarbúðin ("harbour shop") seems to me the typical Icelandic place that caters for all needs. First, of course, Iceland's national drink: coffee. Then, snack food such as sandwiches, hot dogs and hamburgers. Soft-serve ice cream with 10 different toppings. A huge selection of swee

ts. And also beer and probably a ton of other things that I did not discover. They also have a window for drive-by service.
If you come to Höfn, if you can avoid it, don't have your coffee or hot dog at the gas station. Drive down to the harbour and get double the value and three times the friendliness for half the money.

Now, that should have been enough advertisement for them! :)
Hallo Martin, ich beneide Dich ob Deiner Unabhängigkeit. Wir mussten auf unserer Rundreise immer in langen Schlangen uns an den Tank-Stop-Raststätten anstellen, mmm, da war kein freundlicher Service! Natürlich ist so eine kleine "Budin" bei 30 Gästen überfordert!
L:G: Papa
Ja, ich bin auch sehr froh, dass ich mich fuer eine Individualreise entschieden habe. So kann ich alles im eigenen Tempo angehen, ohne Reiseleiter meine eigenen kleinen Entdeckungen machen, und komme auch viel mit Leuten ins Gespraech. LG Martin
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